
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Turkey Cutlets with Peach-Vinegar Glaze

I was in Smith's a couple of days ago and was trolling the meat counter for marked-down meat. I saw several packages of Jennie-O meat products, and the price looked good to me. I bought 3 packages of Turkey Burger Patties (4/pack) and one package of Turkey Tenders (or something like that) for $2.29/package.
I have a great recipe for Turkey Cutlets with Peach-Vinegar Glaze. You should give it a try. It is very yummy!

6 Turkey breast cutlets 3/4" thick (I used the burger patties....they work fine)
3 tsp seasoned pepper (garlic, lemon or blend....I use lemon)
3 tsp olive oil
3/4 c. red onion
3/4 c. chicken broth
3/4 c. peach jam (I just pureed a pint of apricots, added 1/4 c. sugar and simmered it)
3 TBSP balsamic vinegar

Rub turkey on both sides with seasoned pepper. Heat olive oil in a skillet over med-high heat and cook turkey until browned on one die; turn and add onion to the pan. Continue to cook, stirring occasionally until onion is tender, about a minute. Add broth, jam and vinegar to the pan; cover, lower heat and simmer 8-10 minutes. Serve turkey with pan sauce over rice or pasta.

Above, the patties have been browned and the red onion added. Below, the apricot puree cooked with some sugar. I know, I'm creative in the kitchen. But really, who wants to keep running to the store? Not me.

Here is the delicious dish below, served over mini Farfalle pasta! It was so good. Everyone raved!
I enjoyed a glass of OJ with mine. It is a nice comfort food meal without a ton of calories.

Check out my impromptu center-piece for the roses in a yellow ware bowl.

Broccoli in my garden!

Just look at that head of broccoli beginning to form! I've neglected my pots, but moved them off of the patio to get some rain, and look what I found.....

Here are some of the pictures from my patio garden! Cauliflower ....
....and some spinach...that obviously needs some fertilizer!

There is Luigi, getting a little stretch in......Lettuce at the lower right...

Wow...see the little head of broccoli starting to form!!! I am so excited!

I actually have several heads of broccoli forming. I love having a garden! Even in January!