
Monday, September 20, 2010

Cooking a Whole Turkey in a Pressure Cooker

I've had my pressure canner now for a few months, and have only used it a few times. I have a small pressure cooker, but it isn't large enough to cook a turkey in. Since I've been wanting to try pressure cooking a whole turkey, I defrosted one I had in the deep freeze and got it ready for cooking. I must say, that this is the easiest way to prepare a turkey, with the best results as well. After taking all of the organs and pieces out of the cavity, and rinsing the entire bird, I put it in the pressure canner, filled the cavity with carrots and onion and put about 2 cups of chicken broth in. Put the lid on, got it cooking, put the pressure value on and got it up to 15 pounds of pressure. It cooked for 40 minutes. I couldn't believe how the meat just fell off of the bone! Pug and Luigi were very excited when I got to the point of taking the lid off. The aroma was amazing. I put on a plastic glove, and just picked the turkey off, discarded the bones, and fed pieces of turkey to the dogs here and there. I took my first bite and couldn't believe how tasty it was! Below, see what one 15 pound turkey yielded. I got 8 cups of broth, and plenty of turkey to last us for sandwiches and to serve with the carrots from the pot, left over green beans and mashed potatoes. I am going to stock up on turkeys on sale this fall. This one cost me $5 last December. I might pressure cook the meat, then put the meat into jars and pressure can them. Same with the broth. Try this method of cooking a turkey. I think you'll find this easy to prepare and the clean up was very quick and easy.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm a featured blogger at Alive!

Alive! Southern Utah's Online Lifestyle Magazine featured me this month in their Taste section! How cool is that? I'm mentioned toward the end of the great article on Farmer's Markets in the Southern Utah region. There is some helpful information for those wanting to sell items at the markets. Go check it out! I'm really enjoying the great articles written by Rachelle and others. Definitely a site to bookmark and refer to often.