
Friday, October 28, 2011

Pomegranates and other great produce

I tried posting this a week or so ago, and blogger wasn't allowing me to upload the post. I just found this in my drafts, so here it is. Hopefully, I'll be back to posting atleast weekly again. I've really missed blogging!

It seems like I've taken quite a break from blogging, but I am ready to get back to it!

I took these pictures last Saturday after I picked up my Bountiful Baskets co-op offerings. The pomegranates were a great price, $15 for a case of 34. I'm using them as decor this week, but will get ready to process them and get them ready for freezing. Here is a link to see how to open a pomegranate and get the seeds out. It is from POM.
I decided to get the organic basket this week. I had to pitch the 4 large peaches that were included. They looked pretty, but were hard. They were rotten after a couple of days. Weird! Besides the peaches, there were bananas, grapes (they have seeds...bummer), pears, plums and apples. Vegetables included cabbage, fennel (!), kale, sweet potatoes and peppers.

The pears are ripening well and taste amazing. I had a plum this morning and it was delicious. I'm using the fennel tomorrow night in a recipe for dinner. Haven't decided between two recipes, but I'll post when I make one or the other.

Processing Corn on the Cob

When I saw this video on youtube on how to get corn on the cob without all of the silk strings, I thought everyone should see it. Great tip!