
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Roasted Rosemary Chicken in a Crock Pot

It all started with a deal on whole chickens at Albertson's this week. They were selling whole chickens for $0.69/pound, which is a great deal. I bought 4 last Saturday; put 3 in the freezer and kept one out. Today was the day for trying out crock pot roasted chicken. You'll notice that this particular chicken was only $3.91.

Always wash your whole chicken under running water in the kitchen sink. Pull out all of the giblets, heart, neck, etc. I toss mine, but if you're into using them for pet food or whatever, go for it. I sprayed my crock pot with olive oil cooking spray....just makes for easier clean-up.

I had some celery and part of an onion in the refrigerator, so, I washed the celery, snapped the pieces in half, roughly chopped the onion, and tucked them into the cavity of the chicken.

My next step was to walk out the front door and snip some fresh rosemary from the bush by the front walk. Handy! This picture shows the rosemary sprigs and the rosemary olive oil that I have. After washing it, I tucked the rosemary into the cavity of the bird, pulled back the skin at the neck, and tucked some rosemary in there also.

I poured a little of the olive oil into a small cup, and brushed the entire bird with it.

In the picture below, you can see where I tore the skin trying to get the rosemary in....I'm not very patient.

I cooked the bird for 8 hours on low. You can speed it up by cooking it on high for 4-5 hours.

In the picture below, you can see how the skin is cooked and the rosemary is showing. Can I just tell you how fantastic this smelled!?

I gently lifted the chicken out of the crock pot, where it all fell nicely onto the platter and immediately fell off of the, the aroma was fantastic. Sorry I forgot the picture of this. I did get a picture of the salad that I served with it....iceberg, spinach, blood orange (cut up), poppy seed dressing, slivered almonds and red onion.

I also cooked up a package of yellow rice. I love yellow rice, and it is such a great color to add to the plate. I used my small rice cooker, just because it is so easy.

Below is a picture of the plate served up. It was really delicious, and if I wasn't trying so hard to watch what I'm eating, I would have had seconds and thirds! Both the dark and white meat were very moist and yes, I'm repeating myself, delicious! I hope that you'll give it a try!

Because Albertson's sale ends tonight, I rushed back out and bought 8 more chickens. Into the freezer they will go until I make another crock pot chicken!


  1. So that's why Albertson's was out last night! That's a rain check. I also did an amazing deal for the chicken wings to Smiths last night and they had a ton of manager special chicken. So I got like $60 worth of chicken for $20 and will get $10 in rebate!

  2. I've been skeptical of that crock pot roasted chicken. But I trust your judgment so I'll give it a try.
    I just wish i had gotten some chickens at Alberstons. ~sigh~

  3. I thought my 99 cents/pound was good; you got a fantastic deal. I have only roasted in the oven, but will now have to try this. Thanks for a great blog!

  4. We had crockpot chicken on Sunday. It smelled so good coming in the door after church. Yum!

  5. I only buy chicken when it's on sale at that prce, and I like to buy a ton like that, too. Here's how I make mine:
