
Monday, May 4, 2009

Topsy Turvy Tomato hanger

Even though I am enrolled in a CSA (consumer supported agriculture) for the summer, I wanted to try and grow something in the yard, even though we are renting this house until our property in Utah County sells. Perfect solution: the Topsy Turvy tomato hanger (got mine at Walgreen's for $9.99).

With the Topsy Turvy, you can grow tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, etc from an upside down hanging system. Click on the picture to get a closer look at the plant. The only place I could hang it was from the side yard apricot tree. It is heavy, especially after watering (water is poured in at the top). This location provides lots of afternoon sun, and the plants are thriving (I have another one growing since I took this picture). Within one week, the first plant has blossoms! Can't wait to pick my first tomato this summer!

I'll keep you posted on the progress of my tomato plants. Have any of you ever had success growing your tomatoes upside down? Post your experience!


  1. I am so glad you are blogging about these. I have been curious ever since I heard about them. I will follow your posts with much interest!

  2. I grew a three of these a few years ago on my deck. One of them grew over 10-12 feet down! (the others more like six) The cherry tomato, the long one did have a few tomatoes, but the others only one or two. My deck just was not sunny enough. (well duh, its a north facing deck) But my recommendation to you is to be ready to hang it up high! It looks like you have a great spot and it will be fun to see what they do! Here's a link to see them before they got so long-you can see I planted them in five gallon buckets with herbs on top.

  3. Hey, pebble! You will have more non-productive growth on a tomato plant when they don't get enough sun. I will probably just head back the plants when they become too long, as I don't have another place to hang them. Are you planting another one of your fantastic gardens this year?

  4. I took a coffee filter cut a hole in it wraped it around the roots and pushed it in the hole. Then tipped it over and filled with soil. The coffee filter helps keep the plant in and the soil too.
